Alphabet Stone with Reflection

Pronunciation of Ξ ξ (ξῖ)

  • Modern

    ks as in kicks
    x as in ax

  • Hellenistic Koiné

    ks as in kicks
    x as in ax

  • Classical

    ks as in kicks
    x as in ax

We do not have a recording of this sound, but it is common in numerous languages, including English.

α β γ δ ε ζ η θ ι κ λ μ ν ξ ο π ρ σ τ υ φ χ ψ ω

Difference between Greek and English

There is an important difference between Greek and English usage of the sound /ks/. In English, /ks/ never appears at the beginning of a word, but appears at the end of quite a few: fox, box, ax, likes, bikes, knocks, clocks, tax, tacks, lacks, etc.

In Greek this sound appears frequently at the beginnig of words: ξαίνειν (to comb something), ξανθός (yellow), ξένος (guest-friend, host, stranger, foreigner), and many more.