Alphabet Stone with Reflection

Pronunciation of Γ γ (γάμμα)

  • Modern

    Softer than the g in "get", more like Spanish g in lago
    but y as in "yet" before iota and epsilon.

    n /ŋ/ as in "sing or " before γ, κ, ξ, or χ.

  • Hellenistic Koiné

    Softer than the g in "get", more like Spanish g in lago
    but y as in "yet" before iota and epsilon.

    n /ŋ/ as in "sing or " before γ, κ, ξ, or χ.

  • Classical

    g as in "get",
    but before gamma, kappa, xi, and chi, n as in "sing"

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α β γ δ ε ζ η θ ι κ λ μ ν ξ ο π ρ σ τ υ φ χ ψ ω